Tian Heads Chinese Delegation to WIPO Assembly


SIPO Commissioner Tian Lipu led the Chinese delegation to the 45th Series of Meetings of the Assembly of the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO).  Members of the team were from Ministry of Foreign Affairs, State Administration for Industry and Commerce, General Administration of Press and Publication, SIPO, Permanent Mission of China to the United Nations in Geneva and Intellectual Property Department of Hong Kong Special Administrative Region.


Speaking at the general debate, Tian presented congratulations to the Director-General-elect Francis Gurry as well as an appreciation to the outgoing DG Kamil Idris for his contribution to WIPO and the cooperation between WIPO and SIPO.  He also stressed China's continuing support to all WIPO tasks, intention to participate in discussion of the Organization's important mandates and communication with other member states.  China wishes WIPO play a more efficient role in future international intellectual property affairs.   


(China IP News)

