SIPO Holds Mobilization Conference of Intensively Studying and Applying the Scientific Outlook on Development


The conference

On the morning of October 8, SIPO holds the mobilization conference of intensively studying and applying the Scientific Outlook on Development, fully mobilizing and deploying the program of intensively studying and applying the Scientific Outlook on Development according to the overall arrangement and requirements of the CPC Central Committee on the launch of the first batch of program of intensively studying and applying the Scientific Outlook on Development.

Tian Lipu, Secretary of the Party Leadership Group of SIPO as well as the SIPO Commissioner, gives a mobilization report. All the members of the Guidance and Inspection Group of the Program of Intensively Studying and Applying the Scientific Outlook on Development of CPC Central Committee attend the conference. Zhang Fusen, head of the group, delivers an important speech. Other participants include Zhang Qin, Member of the Party Leadership Group and SIPO Deputy Commissioner, Li Yuguang, SIPO Deputy Commissioner and Xing Shengcai, Member of the Party Leadership Group and Head of the Discipline Inspection Team Stationed in SIPO. The conference is presided over by He Hua, Member of the Party Leadership Group, SIPO Deputy Commissioner, Secretary of Party Committee of the Offices Directly Under CPC Central Committee, and Deputy Head and Director of the Office of Intensively Studying and Applying the Scientific Outlook on Development of SIPO. About 500 people, including all the Party members in SIPO, Party member cadres above section level of SIPO Patent Office and Patent Re-Examination Board, members of leadership teams of various social organizations and members of various branch Party committees (general Party branches and Party committees) in SIPO, attend the conference.


Tian Lipu delivers a mobilization report

Mr. Tian points out at the conference that the program of intensively studying and applying the Scientific Outlook on Development is an important deployment made by the CPC Central Committee by judging the hour and sizing up the situation on a new historical starting point. The CPC Central Committee attaches great importance to the program and all people throughout SIPO should deeply grasp the spirit of CPC Central Committee to further improve their understandings on the importance and urgency of the activity, further enhance their senses of responsibility and mission and further increase their consciousness and determination of implementing the Scientific Outlook on Development. Various departments should satisfactorily complete various tasks of the program and ensure to achieve the expectation of the program strictly according to the requirements of CPC Central Committee and the program plan through precisely deployment, carefully organization and sturdily promotion; through the program, measures should be taken to pragmatically promote the implementation of the Scientific Outlook on Development in IP work to realize fast and sound development of IP cause.

Mr. Tian points out that we should fully understand the great significance of intensively studying and applying the Scientific Outlook on Development. The program of intensively studying and applying the Scientific Outlook on Development is an important measure of arming the whole Party with the newest achievements of Marxism in China, the urgent demand of promoting the implementation of the Scientific Outlook on Development in an all-round way and realizing the fast and sound economic and social development, the necessary requirement of fully promoting the new great program of Party construction, and the important guarantee of boosting the fast and sound development of China’s IP cause. Through the program, SIPO should pragmatically promote the implementation of the Scientific Outlook on Development in the IP work.

Mr. Tian stresses that measures should be taken to precisely grasp the guiding ideology, basic principles and goal requirements of the study and application program and properly master the key problems that need to be resolved during the program. Various departments and units should make energetic efforts to resolve problems in the four aspects of further deepening the implementation of IP strategies strictly according to the requirements of CPC Central Committee and the reality of the IP work, effectively raising the level of IPR macro administration, further perfecting the systems and mechanisms of IP work, and energetically strengthening the construction of cadre teams. Marked effects in the following four aspects should be produced through the study and application program: New improvements should be made in the level of understanding the Scientific Outlook on Development and the capacity of leading scientific development; new breakthroughs should be made in resolving the prominent problems that influence the scientific development of IP cause; new breakthroughs should be made in reforming the systems and mechanisms of IP work; and new progresses should be achieved in the construction of cadre teams.

Mr. Tian points out that efforts should be made to carefully implement the working plans of the study and application program of SIPO through strengthening leadership and precise organization, attach great importance to the activity through strengthening leadership, and do a good job of implementation to the better. Leaders should take the lead in the process and make guidance in different sorts to fulfill the “two-not-to-suffer” and “two-promote” programs.


Zhang Fusen speaks at the conference


Mr. Zhang fully affirms SIPO’s pre-stage preparation work of the study and application program, and puts forward the detailed requirements on the study and implementation activity and the guidance and inspection work on behalf of the Guidance and Inspection Group of the Program of Intensively Studying and Applying the Scientific Outlook on Development of CPC Central Committee: In terms of guiding ideology, we should first hold high a banner, that is, the great banner of the socialism with Chinese characteristics; second, a theme should be highlighted, that is, to deepen the study and application of the Scientific Outlook on Development; third, all the work should be done around a general requirement, that is, “educating Party member cadres, improving the level of scientific development and benefiting the people”; fourth, a key group should be emphasized, that is, the leadership teams and Party member leading cadres above the county and section levels; and fifth, energetic efforts should be made in the three aspects of transforming the ideologies that are not suitable and in line with the requirements of the Scientific Outlook on Development, resolving the prominent problems that influence and restrain scientific development and problems related to party spirits, party working styles and party disciplines that have caused strong response from the masses and constructing the systems and mechanisms conducive to scientific development. Regarding the goal requirements, the “four-sentence” goal of improving the ideological understandings, resolving prominent problems, innovating the systems and mechanisms and promoting scientific development should be achieved. The CPC Central Committee raises the four main principles of “adhering to emancipating the minds, highlighting the unique characteristics of practice, implementing the mass line and relying mainly on positive education.” Regarding resolving key problems, the CPC Central Committee puts forward clearly the key problems that need to be resolved in the study and application program on the basis that Scientific Outlook on Development takes development as its essence, putting people first as its core, comprehensive, balanced and sustainable development as its basic requirement, and overall consideration as its fundamental approach, and implementing the Scientific Outlook on Development requires strengthening of Party building. In terms of methods and approaches, the work of 11 links in the three phases of study and research, analysis and checkup, and rectification and implementation should be focused on. The second is to fully understand the great significance of intensively studying and applying the Scientific Outlook on Development in the first batch to pragmatically enhance the senses of responsibility and mission. Efforts should be made in deepening the process of arming the Party members with theories, resolving prominent problems and perfecting systems and mechanisms. The third is to take energetic measures to ensure the program to achieve actual effect through fulfilling leaders’ responsibility, strengthening guidance in different sorts, actively exploring and innovating, guiding the public opinions and paying attention to overall consideration.


According to the arrangement of the CPC Central Committee, SIPO, as one of the first batch units to extensively studying and applying the Scientific Outlook on Development, will launch the program of extensively studying and applying the Scientific Outlook on Development throughout the whole office in about half a year from now to February 2009.

