Zhang Qin Meets INTA Executive Director Alan Drewsen and His Party


On October 17, SIPO Deputy Commissioner Zhang Qin meets with the visiting International Trademark Association (INTA) Executive Director Alan Drewsen and his party in Beijing. Both parties exchange views on IP-related affairs of both concern.



Mr. Zhang expresses his welcome to Alan Drewsen and his party and introduces information related to the formulation and implementation of the Compendium of China National IP Strategy. Mr. Zhang points out that the Chinese Government recently issues the Compendium on China National IP Strategy. SIPO is responsible for organizing the implementation of the Compendium on China National IP Strategy and coordinating the work of IPR protection nationwide. He stresses that China should rely on advanced science and technologies in the process of transforming its mode of economic development. No matter these science and technologies are introduced from abroad or independently created, we should take IPR into consideration under the current situation. Mr. Zhang notes that though China has already completed its work of formulating IP strategy, we still welcome valuable opinions from related experts worldwide, and would like to strengthen cooperation with various related international organizations including INTA.


Alan Drewsen introduces related information and function of INTA, and praises China's formulation and implementation of the national IP strategy. He says that Chinese enterprises' awareness of IPR maintains great improvement. With abundant related resources and information, INTA would like to assist SIPO to actively promote the implementation of China national IP strategy.

Related heads from SIPO Protection and Coordination Department, International Cooperation Department and Patent Affairs Administration Department participate in the meeting.

