Tian Lipu Meets With WIPO Official and Director General of Romanian IP Authority


On October 16, SIPO Commissioner Tian Lipu meets with WIPO Assistant Director-General Geoffrey Onyeama and Director General of Romanian State Office for Inventions and Trademarks Gabor Varga, during the 6th International Invention Exhibition held in Suzhou city.

Mr. Tian expresses his welcome to Geoffrey Onyeama and Gabor Varga's visit to China, saying that as a member of the world IP family, China is willing to boost exchange and communication with WIPO and Romania. The State Council releases the Compendium on China National IP Strategy this June 5, which is considered an important measure to tackle with economic crisis. Mr. Tian stresses that China pays great attention to IPR development based on the need of domestic economic development and social progress, not for the pressure from developed countries. Undoubtedly, IPR is vigorous tool for economic development in various countries.

Geoffrey Onyeama notes that in past 10 years, IPR is gradually taking a key position in international affairs. The practice of China and its companies fully proves that IPR is a powerful method to impel economic and social development. China sets a good example in receiving and building IPR system for other countries.

Xing Shengcai, Head of the Discipline Inspection Group Stationed in SIPO attends the meeting.

