Li Yuguang Meets with CIPRO Leader


On the morning of October 15, SIPO Deputy Commissioner Li Yuguang meets with Keith Sendwe, the visiting Chief Executive Officer of South Africa Companies and Intellectual Property Registration Office (CIPRO) in Beijing.

Mr. Li first expresses his welcome to Keith Sendwe. During the meeting, Mr. Li points out that under the circumstance of fast development of international IP affairs, IP administrative departments in various countries are necessary to strengthen their cooperation. SIPO constantly pays attention to the international cooperation in IP sector with IP administrative departments in developing countries. Mr. Li also notes that SIPO and CIPRO can launch consultations on the future cooperation on the working layer.

Keith Sendwe says that CIPRO attaches great importance to the expansion of foreign-related cooperation. Under the circumstance of the development of the international IP cause, many international IP-related affairs need strengthening of cooperation and connection between various offices. CIPRO is in its development process and SIPO's experience in examiner training and traditional knowledge protection is a very important reference for CIPRO. The establishment of the bilateral cooperation is conducive for both parties to learn from each other and boost their development.

