Video Lectures on National IP Strategy Held in Beijing and Tian Lipu Gives a Report


Jointly sponsored by Ministry of Human Resource and Social Security (MOHRSS) and SIPO, the video lectures on the national IP strategy is held in Beijing on October 22. SIPO Commissioner Tian Lipu gives a splendid report. MOHRSS Vice Minister Wang Xiaochu presides over the conference.

Mr. Tian points out that IP has been internationalized extensively and has been existing in the world for several centuries. However, China's IP system is established and gradually improved only after China adopts the policy of reform and opening up to the outside world. IP actually embodies a country's core competitiveness. Intelligence, as a kind of property, forms the most important production factors and wealth resource in knowledge-based economy. While respecting IPRs, we should pay more attention to skillful utilization of IP systems.

Mr. Tian says that currently, IP has become a focus of international competition. As the peak period of IPR disputes has arrived in advance, strengthening IPR protection has become the mainstream consensus worldwide. He stresses that without IPR protection, we do not have the soil and environment for independent innovation and thus, we have to continue to strengthen IPR protection. Mr. Tian points out that IP has become an important strategic issue concerning the national development. The core content of IP strategy is the systematic reform. He stresses that a complete IP system not only consists of laws and regulations, but also covers systems, mechanisms, policies and measures.

Mr. Tian finally puts forward some opinions on further strengthening IP work. He stresses that we should realize the importance of IP strategy, strengthen governmental departments' guidance to IP work, help and promote enterprise to develop and implement the innovated technologies with independent IPRs, strengthen IPR protection, perfecting IPR protection system and intensify law enforcement.

Heads of related departments of MOHRSS, SIPO, Ministry of Education, MOST, Ministry of Culture, Ministry of Health, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Chinese Academy of Engineering, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences and the leading units in the five areas of the Project of Knowledge Upgrade for Specialty Technological Talents attend the conference. Human resource and IP departments nationwide also organize related units and specialty technicians to watch the video lectures in the form of video-phone conference.

The lectures are held according to the general arrangement of public training courses of the Project of Knowledge Upgrade for Specialty Technological Talents. More than 2 million specialty technicians have attended related IP trainings. In 2005, MOHRSS starts the Project of Knowledge Upgrade for Specialty Technological Talents throughout China, and launches the specialty continuing education in five areas of modern agriculture, modern manufacturing, IT, energy technology and modern management, having trained 3 million high and medium-level specialty technicians with strong innovation capacity, who follow closely to the development of science and technology.

