Li Yuguang Pays an Official Call on Mongolian Ambassador to China


SIPO Deputy Commissioner Li Yuguang recently pays an official visit to Galsan Batsukh, Mongolian Ambassador to China at invitation.

Mr. Li reviews the sound cooperation relations between SIPO and the Intellectual Property Office of Mongolia (IPOM), and introduces the important cooperation projects to be launched next year. Mr. Li states that the cooperation in IP sector between China and Mongolia is closely linked to the development of bilateral economic trade, and hopes to promote the further development of bilateral cooperation through strengthening ties between SIPO and IPOM. Ambassador Galsan Batsukh says that he pays close attention to the cooperation in IP sector between China and Mongolia and would like to continue helping promote exchanges.


Owing to the fact of the increase of trademark applications in each other's office, SIPO and IPOM agree to jointly hold a seminar in Ulan Bator to discuss issues like China's Trademark Law and registration procedures, trademark legislation and law enforcement of Mongolia and agencies in the two countries.

Related heads from SIPO International Cooperation Department and China Patent Information Center accompany Mr. Li during the visit.

