Tian Lipu Meets with the Delegation of German Bundestag Internal Affairs Committee



SIPO Commissioner Tian Lipu meets with the delegation of German Bundestag Internal Affairs Committee, headed by Kristina Kohler in Beijing on October 24. Both parties have exchanges and discussions on topics of common concern in IP sector.

SIPO Commissioner Tian Lipu


Mr. Tian expresses his welcome to the visit of the delegation of German Bundestag Internal Affairs Committee, and introduces the basic information of SIPO, the status quo of China’s IP development and China’s efforts in IPR protection. He says that China and Germany have long-term friendly cooperation in IP sector, which is playing a positive role in perfecting China’s IP system and improve the level of IPR protection. Mr. Tian points out that Chinese Government strengthening IPR protection not only conforms to the interests of innovators in various countries, but also is in line with the demand of China itself. China needs to develop and needs to integrate with the world economic system. Hence, strengthening IPR protection is a very important work.

Head of the delegation of German Bundestag Internal Affairs Committee Kristina Kohler

The delegation expresses thanks to Mr. Tian for his meeting and exchanging views on issues such as IP-related law enforcement and IPR protection of German small and medium-sized enterprises in China.




