Tian Lipu Meets with EUCCC President Joerg Wuttke



On the morning of October 24, SIPO commissioner Tian Lipu meets with the visiting delegation of European Union Chamber of Commerce in China (EUCCC). Both parties conduct frank exchanges and discussions on IP-related issues in an amiable and friendly atmosphere.

SIPO Commissioner Tian Lipu

Mr. Tian first expresses his welcome to EUCCC President Joerg Wuttke and his party on behalf of SIPO, and introduces the work of SIPO and the latest information of China's Patent Law modification. He says that SIPO newly establishes the Protection and Coordination Department to be responsible for organizing and coordinating IPR protection nationwide. The State Council issues the Compendium on China National IP Strategy on June 5, and will hold an IP joint conference in the near future to deploy the implementation of IP strategy. Up to date, the modification draft of Patent Law has been submitted to the Standing Committee of the National People Congress for the first review. Meanwhile, SIPO has launched the work of modifying the Implementation Rules of the Patent Law. Mr. Tian notes that EUCCC and related enterprises' detailed opinions and suggestions are welcomed, which can help further expand exchanges and communications and increase common ground.

EUCCC President Joerg Wuttke

Mr. Wuttke expresses his thanks to Mr. Tian for his friendly meeting and hands over the European Business in China Position Paper 2008/2009, indicating that he is satisfied with China's IPR protection. He says that thanks to the "machine translation" system provided by SIPO, patentees can retrieve and confirm related information before application, facilitating EUCCC's work. Regarding Patent Law modification, Wuttke expresses appreciation for SIPO's earnest attitude in opinion solicitation and adoption.

During the meeting, both parties also exchange views on some detailed issues in IP sector.




