Tian Lipu Attends the Opening Ceremony of the 15th Yangling CAF and Visits the Fair


On the morning of November 5, the 15th China Yangling Agricultural High-Tech Fair (CAF), with a theme of "High Technology, Industrialization and Modern Agriculture", opens grandly at the Yangling Agricultural High-Tech Zone in Shaanxi Province. SIPO Commissioner Tian Lipu attends the opening ceremony and visits the Fair.

In order to implement the spirit of the Third Plenary Session of the 17th CPC Party Congress and the requirements of IPR work serving modern agriculture and promoting the construction of socialism new countryside, SIPO delegation totally organizes more than 120 excellent agriculture-related patent items from more than 70 research and production units in 20 provinces and municipalities nationwide for the Fair.

Exhibition items in the Fair cover the patented technologies and products in areas such as planting industry, agricultural material, installation agriculture, animal husbandry, agricultural bio-technology, agricultural machinery and equipment, green food, traditional Chinese medicine product and material, fruit growing industry and agricultural byproduct processing.

During the CAF, SIPO delegation will hold activities such as the inaugurating ceremony of Yangling Agricultural IP Training Center and Exhibition and Promotion Fair of Excellent Agriculture-Related Patented Technologies.

