The Sixth China (Wuxi) International Industrial Design Expo Opens in Wuxi, Tian Lipu Present



The Sixth China (Wuxi) International Industrial Design Expo (CIID Expo) and 2008 Grand Innovation Ceremony of Voting China's Innovative Designs is inaugurated in Wuxi City of Jiangsu Province on November 8. Tian Lipu, SIPO Commissioner, Zheng Guoan, Secretary General of Ministry of Science and Technology, Xu Nanping, Assistant Governor of Jiangsu Province, Michelle Berryman, President of the Industrial Designers Society of America and Iris Laubstein, President of the Northwest Branch of the Association of German Industrial Designers attend the opening ceremony.

Sponsored by SIPO, Ministry of Science and Technology and Jiangsu Provincial People's Government, the 6th CIID Expo is held by Wuxi Municipal People's Government and Jiangsu IP Administration. With a theme of "Green Design and Harmonious Innovation", the Expo shows the trend of the current international industrial designs in an all-dimension and multi-angle manner.

Tian Lipu visits CIID Expo


During the Expo, 2008 China International Industrial Design Forum is also held. Designers from various countries such as the United States, Germany, Australia, Japan and Italy launch extensive exchanges with their counterparts and IP experts in the Chinese mainland, Taiwan and Hong Kong on topics such as industrial design, service outsourcing and IP, industrial design and productivity promotion, clean energy, green design and social responsibilities.




