Tian Lipu Meets With Director General of Internal Market and Services at the European Commission in Beijing


On November 25, SIPO Commissioner Tian Lipu meets with Jorgen Holmquist, the visiting Director General of Internal Market and Services at the European Commission and his party in Beijing. Both parties have in-depth exchanges in an amiable and friendly atmosphere.

Mr. Tian points out that China maintains sound cooperation with EU and its member states in IP sector, and that SIPO has a long history of cooperation and exchanges with European Patent Office. Though problems and divergences between China and EU still exist in IP sector, both parties can make efforts to know each other better through frank dialogues and exchanges, which will surely help eliminate the divergences and misunderstandings.

Mr. Tian also briefs on the latest progress made in the implementation of China national IP strategy and information related to the third modification of the Patent Law. Mr. Tian points out that under the turbulent financial situations worldwide and the complicated and severe global economic conditions, it is necessary and urgent for China to carry out its IP strategies. Many of China's enterprises with independent IPRs and brands are not impacted by the negative economic situations; on the contrary, they are developing faster and better. He indicates that the general idea of the modification to China's Patent Law embodies the principles of strengthening IPR protection, increasing the norms for patent granting, following the international practices and simplifying the procedures to facilitate applicants and right holders.


Jorgen Holmquist speaks highly of China's national IP strategy and expresses his appreciation for China's IPR protection in recent years, especially during the Olympic Games. He also introduces the progresses made in patent system of European Community and the integration of the judicial systems of patent among EU states. Jorgen Holmquist indicates that he hopes to continue to strengthen cooperation and exchanges with SIPO.


Related heads from SIPO International Cooperation Department and Protection and Coordination Department, and IP-related officials from EU Diplomatic Mission to China participate in the meeting.

