He Hua Meets with the Delegation of UKIPO in Beijing


On December 2, SIPO Deputy Commissioner He Hua meets with the visiting delegation from The United Kingdom  Intellectual Property Office(UKIPO) headed by Stephen Peter Holland, Director of International Policy of the UKIPO in Beijing. Both parties exchange views on cooperation affairs in the amiable and friendly atmosphere.

Mr. He points out that both SIPO and UKIPO are currently facing the great challenge of the rapid growth of patent application. Under the circumstance that the number of patent application keeps growing in recent years, SIPO adopts measures in various aspects to limit the examination cycle of patent of invention into a reasonable timeframe. Mr. He indicates that UKIPO has good experience regarding examination quality control, personnel training and fostering corporate IP awareness. Strengthening cooperation between the two offices in these fields will undoubtedly benefit both sides.

Stephen Peter Holland expresses his appreciation to the achievements made by SIPO in aspects such as patent examination in recent years. He hopes to further strengthen cooperation and exchanges between the two offices in aspects like patent examination and patent search.

Related heads from SIPO International Cooperation Office and Personnel and Education Department and Patent Affairs Administration Department of SIPO Patent Office attend the meeting.

