Tian Lipu Attends BODW 2008 in Hong Kong


On December 11, the Business of Design Week (BODW) 2008 opens grandly in Hong Kong. On the same day, Hong Kong Inno Design Tech Expo (IDT Expo) is also held. Donald Tsang, Chief Executive of Hong Kong SAR and Tian Lipu, Commissioner of SIPO attend the activities and visit the Expo.

At the opening ceremony, Mr. Tsang notes that Hong Kong Government will provide various assistances to design industry, encourage its development through IPR protection and youth designer training and establish creative industry office so as to promote the development of creative industry in Hong Kong. Mr. Tsang hopes creative industry can lead Hong Kong out of the economic difficulty, help Hong Kong combat the financial crisis and develop Hong Kong into a culture and art center of Asia.

Organized by Hong Kong Design Center, BODW has been held for six terms. Consisting of exhibition and symposium, it aims at encouraging exchanges among design circle and promoting the docking between design and commerce industries. The activity attracts 50,000 people of creative industry worldwide.


Participants discuss issues such as utilizing design and innovative technologies to assist the reconstruction of earthquake areas in Sichuan, prevention measures for other regions that might be struck by natural disasters, reduction of the influences of natural disasters and promotion of the safety development of construction industry.


BODW is the most renowned international event in Asia with the theme of innovation, design and brand.

