National Conference on IP Law-Enforcement Work and the Second Forum on IP Law Enforcement Held in Haikou



SIPO Deputy Commissioner Zhang Qin and Hainan Vice Governor Chen Cheng

Attend the Opening Ceremony and Deliver Speeches


On the morning of December 17, the National Conference on IP Law-Enforcement Work and the Second Forum on IP Law Enforcement is Held in Haikou, Hainan Province. SIPO Deputy Commissioner Zhang Qin and Hainan Vice Governor Chen Cheng attend the opening ceremony and deliver speeches.


The National Conference on IP Law-Enforcement Work reviews and summarizes the experience of law-enforcement work in 2008 and researches and deploys the work for 2009 on the basis of deepening the implementation of the Scientific Outlook on Development and carrying out the National IP Strategy in an all-round way. The Forum on IP Law Enforcement will discuss the new ideas, measures, modes and ways of IP administrative law-enforcement work, further creating a sound legal and market environment for technological innovation and economic prosperity. 

 Zhang Qin Speaks at the Conference


Mr. Zhang points out at the National Conference on IP Law-Enforcement Work that this year is the first year of implementing the national IP strategy, and the IP setups nationwide promote the improvement of related laws and regulations, establish and improve law-enforcement system, pragmatically strengthen law-enforcement coordination, and actively launch special actions and the assistance work of IPR safeguarding with effective law-enforcement measures under the unified deployment of SIPO, making satisfying achievements.


Up to date, a total of 23 provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities have issued IPR protection regulations and other regional rules. Forty-four assistance centers of IPR safeguarding have been established. On the basis of inter-provincial law-enforcement collaboration mechanism, many other inter-regional patent law-enforcement collaboration mechanisms such as those in Yangtze River delta, Pan-Pearl River delta, Bohai Sea rim area, the 12 provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities in west China and northeast China have been established. During the first 10 months this year, IP setups nationwide have totally accepted 799 cases of patent infringements, handled 46 cases of patents counterfeits and 431 cases of patent imitations.


Mr. Zhang points out that in order to promote the work of law enforcement in 2009, measures should be taken to continue deepening the special actions of "Thunder Storm" and "Net of the Heaven" through sincere cooperation, and strengthen public services to promote IPR safeguarding assistance and complaint work. Efforts will be made to accelerate the process of improving law-enforcement work mechanism and fully improve the law-enforcement capacity. In the next stage of work, SIPO will establish around 100 assistance centers of IPR safeguarding of the national level throughout China, and guide and support IP administrations of provincial level to establish assistance centers of IPR safeguarding of the regional, municipal and county levels. These assistance centers should actively launch services of IPR reports and complaints.


On the morning that day, a rewarding ceremony of advanced IP law-enforcement groups and individuals is held to cite the 76 advanced IP law-enforcement groups such as Beijing Chaoyang District IP Administration and 81 advanced individuals such as Chen Zhanguo.


According to the schedule of the conference, experts and scholars participating in the Second Forum on IP Law Enforcement will research and conduct exchanges on issues of the cultural environment of implementing IP strategy, patent administrative law enforcement and patent right protection, prevention of IPR abuse and the custom protection of intellectual property on December 18 and 19.


More than 200 people from SIPO, related ministries and commissions, local IP administrations, patent agencies and enterprises attend the conference.





