SIPO Patent Office Hefei Patent Receiving Agency Opens



On the morning of December 17, the opening ceremony of SIPO Patent Office Hefei Branch is held in the Hefei Public Center of Scientific and Technological Innovation. Gan Shaoning, Director of SIPO General Affairs Office and Yu Yanlu, Deputy Secretary General of Anhui Provincial People's Government unveil the patent receiving agency together.

Hefei Patent Receiving Agency is the 25th such agency SIPO established nationwide with the main business covering receiving patent applications, examination and approval of the application of fee reduction and postpone and patent fee collection. Hefei Patent Receiving Agency provide a convenient and efficient channel for patent applicants in Anhui Province, which can reduce the cost of patent application, improve the efficiency of patent application and resolve the contradiction between the rapid growth of patent application and incontinent application, providing a sound service and supporting platform for strengthening IPR macro administration of Anhui Province and promoting scientific and technological innovation and economic construction of the whole province.

Statistics shows that in recent years, the patent application in Anhui Province grows rapidly, ranking top six in terms of the growth of patent application for successive three years. The position of the province in terms of the number of patent applications increases from the 18th in 2006 to 15th in November this year with the increase amplitude reaching No.2 nationwide. Establishing Hefei Patent Receiving Agency is just in line with the rapid growth of patent application of Anhui Province. It is as well an important measure of implementing IP strategy.

Related heads from SIPO Preliminary Examination and Flow Management Department, Science and Technology Department of Anhui Province and Anhui IP Administration attend the opening ceremony. Other participants also include heads of IP administrations of various cities in Anhui, representatives from patent agencies, people from related units and journalists.



