Commissioner Tian Lipu Gives a Lecture on the Compendium on China National IP Strategy in Hong Kong


At the invitation of Hong Kong Intellectual Property Department, SIPO Commissioner Tian Lipu recently visits to Hong Kong to participate in the China's Intellectual Property Strategy Forum jointly sponsored by Hong Kong Intellectual Property Department and Guangdong IP Administration, and gives a lecture on the Compendium on China National Strategy. More than 370 people including entrepreneurs, IP law-related personnel and governmental clerks in Hong Kong attend the Forum.

Mr. Tian lays stresses on the historical background of formulating the Compendium on China National IP Strategy, and the strategic goals, strategic emphases and strategic measures of the Compendium. He points out that the implementation of the Compendium on China National IP Strategy will help create the atmosphere of encouraging independent innovation throughout the society, enhance the national economic strength, scientific and technological strength and cultural strength, intensify China's international competitiveness and maintain China's national interests and economic security. At the Forum, Mr. Tian also answers questions from the audience. His excellent lecture wins warm response from all walks of life in Hong Kong.

Before the Forum, Mr. Tian also met with Mrs Rita Lau Ng Wai-lan, JP, Secretary for Commerce and Economic Department of Hong Kong Special Administration Region (SAR). Mr. Tian indicated that SIPO would strengthen cooperation with Hong Kong SAR in IP area, and would especially learn from Hong Kong's experience in educating the youngsters and small and medium-sized enterprises and developing creative industry. Mrs. Lau said that in addition to strengthening the cooperation between governmental departments, more efforts should be made to intensify industrial cooperation between the Chinese mainland and Hong Kong and expand the team of IP-related lawyers in the SAR.

