Tian Lipu Interviewed by Managing IP Magazine in Hong Kong


SIPO Commissioner Tian Lipu is recently interviewed by a reporter of Managing IP (Asia) in Hong Kong.


The questions from the reporter cover various aspects of SIPO's work, including international cooperation, the issuance and implementation of the Compendium on China National IP Strategy, the modification of the Patent Law and its implementation rules, the improvement and transform of corporate IP awareness, SIPO's measures for abnormal patent applications and patent law enforcement.


Starting from the second IP5 meeting which SIPO participated in not long ago, Mr. Tian illustrates SIPO's attitudes on the status quo of international cooperation, especially to the cooperation between the five IP offices of the IP5 mechanism, and SIPO's roles in the World IP Organization. Mr. Tian briefs on the progresses of the modification work of the Patent Law and its implementation rules, and the main content of the patent strategy, which is one of the special missions of the national IP strategy. Mr. Tian also stresses on SIPO's roles in the process of encouraging enterprises' innovation and fostering the IP awareness, and the measures in coordinating patent law enforcement.

