Li Yuguang Leads a Delegation to Vietnam for the First China-Vietnam IP Seminar


SIPO Deputy Commissioner Li Yuguang recently leads a delegation to Vietnam to attend the first China-Vietnam IP Seminar and talks with Tran Viet Hung, Director General of the National Office of Industrial Property of Vietnam.

Mr. Li introduces to the Vietnam side the latest information and the changes in function of SIPO. He points out that under the current global financial crisis, China should not only increase its domestic demand, but also expand regional cooperation. China and Vietnam strengthening cooperation in IP sector will surely promote bilateral economic and trade exchanges and effectively resist the impacts from the crisis. Mr. Tran Viet Hung expresses his appreciation to the achievements SIPO has made in recent years and hopes to further strengthen cooperation between the two offices.

The Seminar is jointly sponsored by IP departments of China and Vietnam.

