Tian Lipu Meets With Japanese Delegation of IPR Protection


On February 11, SIPO Commissioner Tian Lipu meets with a Japanese high-level delegation of IPR protection headed by Sanae Takaichi, Senior Vice Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry as the governmental representative and Kunio Nakamura, President of Matsushita Electric Industrial Company as the non-governmental representative.

Both parties have in-depth exchanges on the topics such as the effective implementation of the Compendium on China National IP Strategy in China, the action program of China's IP strategy implementation in 2009 and the amendments of China's Patent Law and its implementation regulations.


Mr. Tian says that by the end of last year, SIPO had totally accepted 300,000 patent applications from Japan, accounting for 36.4 percent of the total number of overseas applications accepted by SIPO.

Mr. Tian indicates that China would like to continue to strengthen its exchange and cooperation with Japan during the process of implementing China's national IP strategy.

Japanese side expresses appreciation to the issuance of the Compendium on China National IP Strategy and the adoption of the amendment of Patent Law. Sanae Takaichi says that China and Japan have reached wide consensus in IPR protection and have launched exchanges in many areas.

Related heads of the Legal Affairs Department, Protection and Coordination Department and International Cooperation Department of SIPO, and officials from Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry, Japan Patent Office, Chief Cabinet, Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries and Japanese Embassy in China attend the meeting.


The first high-level economic dialogue held in Beijing in December 2007 agreed on the decision of continuing to dispatch mixed delegations of governmental departments and non-governmental organizations of IPR protection to visit China. This is the sixth visit after the dialogue.

