Tian Lipu Delivers a Speech on the WIPO Inter-Regional High-Level Forum on Intellectual Property


On March 30, the WIPO Inter-Regional High-Level Forum on Intellectual Property is jointly hosted by the WIPO, State Intellectual Property Office (SIPO) of China, State Administration for Industry and Commerce of China and State Copyright Bureau of China. Tian Lipu, commissioner of SIPO delivers an excellent speech on China's intellectual property policy and strategy and the function of the intellectual property agencies under globalization.


Tian Lipu says that the world is further entering an era of knowledge economy in a long run, no matter how the global economy fluctuates in a short term. Therefore, the intellectual property increasingly turns into a strategic resource of economic development and a core factor of the international competitiveness. Accordingly, the institution of the intellectual property becomes a basic one in boosting a country's development.


Tian stresses that formulating and implementing the intellectual property strategy in China is not only to meet the trend of international development but to change the mode of China's economic development. Amidst the global financial crisis, some areas in China maintain rapid economic growth, displaying strong anti-risk capability. This is mainly attributable to their sound intellectual property environment which brings up a group of outstanding enterprises with independent IPR, brands and core technologies. The Government's function in the intellectual property strategy is to make corresponding institutional innovation in light of the actual conditions in and outside this country.


The IPR covers more and more fields ranging from tangible products to intangible services, from traditional knowledge to modern high and new technologies, from domestic market to international market, from civil technologies to national defense technologies, and from independent innovation to introduction from the outside world. These areas are in the charge of different departments, thus requiring efforts to strengthen the leading or coordinative work of the intellectual property. He expresses China's Central Government establishes an inter-ministerial joint conference system for the implementation of the national intellectual property strategy. To this end, some 28 government organs concerned are included.


Tian points out that the intellectual property strategy is made for enterprises and the public. The Government should attach high importance to the analysis of the intellectual property strategy in some key areas to provide evidences for the innovation of market entities; actively construct the intellectual property information platform to accelerate the spread of the existent intellectual property information; and energetically advance the information-based construction of the intellectual property departments concerned.


Tian finally says although the world economy is stuck in a difficult situation, the step of the intellectual economic development will not stop along with it. The intellectual property will make more outstanding contributions to boost the economy development. He believes that if we strengthen international exchanges and cooperation and increasingly improve the level of intellectual property creation, application, protection and management on the basis of equity, openness and mutual benefit, the intellectual property system will definitely develop into an important powerhouse for economic development of every country and well-being of people from across the world.

