Tian Lipu Has Talks with Francis Gurry, Director-General of WIPO


Recently, Tian Lipu, Commissioner of SIPO meets with PhD. Francis Gurry, Director-General of WIPO in Beijing and they exchange opinions on a variety of IPR issues. Li Yuguang, deputy Commissioner of SIPO, and Wang Binying, assistant director-general of WIPO, attend the meeting.


Tian points out that Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT) is an important tool of the patent system and helps spread the innovative achievements and technological inventions worldwide. The Chinese Government supports domestic enterprises to make full use of the PCT system. Meanwhile, Tian also expresses appreciation to the WIPO's proposal of establishing a green technological platform.


Gurry says the WIPO develops good relations with SIPO of China for a long period of time. China keeps on improving its innovative ability and China itself is a huge market. He hopes WIPO and SIPO will explore more ways to strengthen their cooperation. He also introduces the meaning of "Green Innovation"―the theme of 2009 World Intellectual Property Day.

