Premier Li Vows to Build China an IP Power


Chinese Premier Li Keqiang has met with World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) Director General Francis Gurry on July 11 in Beijing. Li Keqiang pointed out that through integrating intellectual property evaluation standard and improving the market and service of technology trade, the Chinese government are better utilizing intellectual property, transforming scientific and technological achievement to practical productivity and striving to build the intellectual property power.

Li Keqiang said that China's economy is at a critical stage of moving from middle and high speed growth to middle and high-end level, whilst innovation plays the supporting role. Chinese government have placed the innovation-driven at a more prominent position, increasingly strengthened technological and institutional innovation, untied entrepreneurs and market players by streamline administration and institute decentralization, and inspired the innovational creativity of the whole society. Chinese government has motivated and activated research institutions and scientists, and built the  balance and mutual support between reform and innovation through incentive mechanisms such as the reform of disposal and usufruct of research results and equity incentive.

Li Keqiang pointed out that the Chinese government has offered equal treatment and protection for inventions by  both Chinese and foreign companies and has increased intellectual property protection on both the administrative and judicial levels to crack down counterfeit infringement and to create a fair, standardized and transparent legal and market environment. China would like to strengthen its cooperation with WIPO to make international intellectual property rules more comprehensive, and help more people in the world.

Gurry thanked China for supporting WIPO. He acknowledged that China has attached great importance to innovation and made significant gains in intellectual property protection, which is conducive to not only China's economic transformation and upgrading, but also world economic growth. WIPO would like to strengthen its cooperation with China and jointly promote multilateralism and global innovation and intellectual property protection. Gurry welcomed China playing a more constructive role in the world's development of relevant international rules.

Shen Changyu, commissioner of the State Intellectual Property Office of China attended the meeting.

(China IP News)

