The 8th China Patent Week Opens


Main Event

On November 17, the 8th China Patent Week was launched on China Intellectual Property Network. As of November 17, the web users could log on the website to get the latest information about the event. In parallel, the web users would also receive daily news from the website.

It is said that this year's event is more practical than previous ones in organization, work position and propaganda. In terms of organization, the organizers choose China Intellectual Property Network as the main event, which is more practical and can embody local features as well. In terms of work position, the event integrated IP service resources to improve companies' services level. In terms of propaganda, the event makes full use of website to spread IP news took place in the patent week and intensify exchange and interaction with web users via micro blog and Wechat.

Local Events


During the 8th China Patent Week, Shanghai held on symposium on improving companies' ability to use IPR. Besides, Shanghai IP Office will launch a series of events including a training course on standard implementation, patent datebase construction and so on.


During the event, Liaoning  made full use of online platform of Liaoning IP Information Center to popularize the national IP pilot cities, counties, parks and IP advantages companies of the province. All the cites and counties of the province would also carry out some activities around the theme of the patent week.


During the 8th China Patent Week, Heilongjiang province carried out the investigation and reinforced the publicity of IPR. In a bid to meet the companies's demand of IP management and service, the province integrated IP service resources to improve their services level. Besides, the province also gave training courses on how to use their IP management capability to create IP advantage for themselves.


At the opening ceremony of the event, Sichuan held a symposium on using IP to boost park industries. During the event, Sichuan launched some ten activities including standard implementation and IP hosting services, a symposium on patent measures, patent datebase construction and so on.


The first university patent fair was held during the event. Some 500 companies participated in the event, 23 agreements were signed, inking 26 million yuan. 441 projects were launched on the event with 30,000 people involved.


(China IP News)

