The 9th IP5 Working Group 2 (WG2) Meeting & the 2nd Global Dossier Task Force Meeting Held in Suzhou


From January 19 to 23, the 9th IP5 Working Group 2 (WG2) Meeting & the 2nd Global Dossier Task Force Meeting among EPO, JPO, KIPO, SIPO, USPTO and IP5 Industry were held in Suzhou, China, where one of SIPO’s Patent Examination Cooperation Centers is located. WIPO attended both meetings as an observer. Mr. Yang Tiejun, Deputy Commissioner of SIPO made a welcome speech at the opening ceremony.

Mr. Yang stated that a wide range of agreements have been made by the heads of the five Offices in June, 2014, such as availability of patent documentation and public access to “file wrapper information”. It is pleasant to see some progress have been made at the working level, from which the examiners of the IP5 Offices and the general public could benefit. Mr. Yang expected that the delegates from the five Offices could collaborate in a frank and constructive way so as to achieve substantive outcomes and lay a good foundation for the upcoming IP5 Deputy Heads and Heads meetings.

IP5 WG2 focuses on IT-supported business process among the five Offices. Global Dossier Task Force, including representatives from the IP5 Offices, WIPO and IP5 Industry, endeavors to advance the Global Dossier Project of IP5 WG2. At the meetings, IP5 discussed and exchanged views in depth on Global Dossier, Patent information policy and other foundation projects of IP5, and had a face-to-face communication with IP5 industry.

