The 18th China Patent Award Selection Work Starts


BEIJING, Mar. 25 -- Recently, the State Intellectual Property Office of P.R.C. (SIPO) and World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) launched selection work for the 18th China Patent Award, a move to encourage and honor patentees and inventors (designers) who have made outstanding contribution to technological (design) innovation and economic and social development.

It is said that the Award has set four categories this time, namely, Chinese patent gold medal, Chinese design gold medal, Chinese patent award of excellence and Chinese design award of excellence. Local intellectual property offices, relevant departments under the State Council, intellectual property management institutions, national industry associations, national intellectual property demonstration areas, academicians of Chinese Academy of Sciences, and academicians of Chinese Academy of Engineering can select and recommend prominent projects to the Award committee. National intellectual property demonstration enterprises can recommend their own projects to the Award committee as well. (Translated from China IP News Chinese Version)

