2016 China National IP Week Launches


BEIJING, Apr.22 (China IP News) -- On April 20, the 2016 China national IP week, jointly held by SIPO, Propagation Department of  the  central committee of CPC and other 21 authorities on People.com.cn. SIPO Commissioner Shen Changyu and WIPO Director General Francis Gurry delivered video speech. SIPO Vice Commissioner Liao Tao attended the ceremony.

Shen said in his speech that the theme of this year's event is to step up IP protection and use, and accelerate IP power house building. The event starts with social hopes, shows the deployment of the state and is characterized with features of this time. Under the current situation, China is accelerating the implementation of innovation-driven strategy and facilitating the supply-side structural reform, The CPC central committee and the State Council of China place a stronger emphasis on IPR. The Fifth Plenary Session of the 18th Central Committee dishes out that great efforts should be made to deepen reform in IP field and improve IP protection. Early this year, the National Strategy of Innovation-driven Development, report on the work of government and the 13th Five-Year Plan all stressed to step up IP protection and use and speed up IP power house building. Recently, China also incorporated IP protection and use into the twenty focus areas and key industries, which pointed out the direction for its future IP development.

"The theme of this year's event is Digital Creativity: Culture Reimagined. China keeps path with time and the whole world. A good IP work on digital information and cultural creativity is the subject of the times in facilitating IP power house building as well. We would continue to make concerted effort to solve it and facilitate development in relevant areas." Shen adds.

"China's engagement in setting up World IP Day is a symbolic of China's engagement in IP as a whole. That engagement is internationally, which reflected in the great use of global IP system administrated by WIPO in China. " said Gurry. He wished this event a complete success, and thanked China for the great engagement in IP and great support for multilateralism and WIPO.

Liao Tao gave some details on the arrangement during the event. Some 70 major activities will be carried out or jointly launched by the members of the organizing committee of the event. SIPO, SAIC and NCA issued China IP Development in 2015. SPC will publish China IP Judicial Protection in 2015, SPP will issue top ten IP protection cases in 2015. The Ministry of Agriculture will release China Agricultural IP Creation Index 2016. The other members of the committee will launch a series of activities including forum, lecture, open day and exhibition.

