Symposium on the Patent Application Quality about Several Cities and Provinces Held in Beijing


Nov.10 -- Recently, a symposium on the patent application quality about several cities and provinces was held in Beijing. Deputy Director of the State Intellectual Property Office of the P.R.C (SIPO) Zhang Maoyu hosted the symposium. Zhang Maoyu pointed out that, based on Several Opinions of the State Council on Accelerating the Construction of Great Power in Intellectual Property Rights Industry under the New Situation, the SIPO has listed the project of improving patent quality as a key project, and is accelerating its pace in implementation. During the 13th Five-year Plan period, the SIPO will create a favorable environment that emphasizes on patent application quality in order to inspire passion from all kinds of innovative subjects.

The symposium listened to the work progress of enhancing patent application quality in recent years and the executive condition of national patent funding and adjustment of incentive policies. Representatives conducted discussions on how to thoroughly implement the The SIPO's Opinions on Further Enhancing Patent Application Quality.

The SIPO will conduct special supervision on the enhancement of patent application quality in local areas, with an emphasis on patent funding and improvement of incentive policies. (Translated from China IP News)

