High-level Asian Regional Seminar on Intellectual Property Strategy and Policy Held in Beijing


Nov.16 -- On November 8, Hosted by the State Intellectual Property Office of the P.R.C (SIPO), the High-level Asian Regional Seminar on Intellectual Property Strategy and Policy was opened in Beijing. Deputy Director of the SIPO He Zhimin attended and addressed the seminar. He pointed out that the seminar was an important activity implementing the Common Initiatives for Strengthening Cooperation between Countries along the "Belt and Road" in the Field of Intellectual Property, and that it had gained active responses from IP institutions in the Asian region. He hoped that through exchanging experiences in the making and implementation of intellectual property (IP) strategies and policies, the seminar will enhance communication and understanding between the Asian countries and promote common development in IP work. Experts and persons-in-charge from the World Intellectual Property Office (WIPO), related departments of the SIPO and local IP departments delivered keynote speeches on the making and implementation of IP strategies and IP law system and policies.

Persons-in-charge from IP institutions in 19 Asian countries introduced their current situation about the IP development strategies and policies. They also visited courts, IP agencies and innovative enterprises to conduct in-depth surveys on the application and implementation situations of IP strategies and policies in China. (Translated from China IP News)

