The 22nd SIPO-KIPO Heads Meeting Held in Japan


Dec.9 (China IP News) -- On Dec. 8th, the 22nd Heads Meeting between the SIPO and KIPO was held in Odawara, Japan. Commissioner Shen Changyu of SIPO and Commissioner Choi Donggyou of KIPO attended the meeting.

Shen said that, SIPO and KIPO has a good foundation of bilateral cooperation, and have obtained fruitful achievements in 2016. SIPO is willing to further strengthen the cooperation with KIPO and explore new cooperative fields thus to provide better services to IP users including Korean enterprises.

Choi delivered his congratulations to China's achievements in IP fields. He expressed KIPO's expectation to constantly enhance its cooperative relationship with SIPO. Also, KIPO would like to learn from SIPO's experiences of development to solve the common challenges faced by both offices.

The two sides also had an in-depth discussion on how to improve the cooperation in relation to exchange of IP liaison officers, the patent experts meeting, the joint examiners patent searching and examination program, the industrial design experts meeting, the training cooperation program, the automation experts meeting, the High-level Meeting between Intellectual Property Trial and Appeal Board of KIPO and Patent Reexamination Board of SIPO. Based on the discussion, the two offices worked out the cooperation plan for next year.

The Commissioners of SIPO and KIPO also signed Record of Discussion on the 22nd SIPO-KIPO Heads Meeting. (by Zhang Yaning)

