The 23rd SIPO-JPO Heads Meeting Held in Japan


Dec.9 (China IP News) -- On Dec.8th, the 23rd Heads Meeting between the SIPO and JPO was held in Odawara, Japan. Commissioner Shen Changyu of SIPO and Commissioner Yoshinori Komiya of JPO attended the meeting.

Shen said that JPO is one of the earliest as well as most important partners of SIPO, and both offices have maintained good tradition of cooperation. Bearing the spirit of mutual benefits, SIPO is willing to continuously strengthen IP cooperation with JPO.
Komiya said JPO wanted to further enhance the bilateral cooperation with SIPO, explore more cooperative areas and share the experiences as well as best practices between JPO and SIPO.

The Commissioners also discussed the cooperation concerning examiner-exchange, PPH, patent classification, industrial design, automation, etc., and specified the cooperation plan of 2017 between the two offices.

The Commissioners of SIPO and JPO signed Record of Discussion on the 23rd SIPO-JPO Heads Meeting. (by Zhang Yaning)

