China, Tajikistan Vow to Beef Up IPR Cooperation


Source: China IP News


On August 31, under the witness of Chinese President Xi Jinping and President of Tajikistan Emomali Rakhmon, the Memorandum of Understanding between the Government of the People's Republic of China and the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan on Cooperation in the Field of Intellectual Property was signed in Beijing. State Intellectual Property Office of China (SIPO) Commissioner Shen Changyu and Minister of Economic Development and Trade of Tajikistan Khikmatulloza signed the agreement as representatives of their respective governments.

The MoU noted that, the Parties are recognizing the significant role of intellectual property in enhancing the competitive edge of enterprises and countries and in encouraging economic and social development, and in promoting reciprocal cooperation in the fields of economy, education, science and technology and culture.

The MoU specified that, the Parties reaffirm, in relation to intellectual property, their commitment under international treaties to which they acceded and under their respective national laws and regulations, to implement cooperation in following areas: Enhancing high-level dialogue to exchange views on the Parties' latest developments in the field of intellectual property, national intellectual property strategy, formulation and implementation of intellectual property laws and policies of the two countries, and other intellectual property issues of mutual concern; Strengthening cooperation in the examination and granting of patents, exchanging experience and sharing best practices; Strengthening exchanges between the Parties in the creation, utilization, protection and management of intellectual property, and promoting the cooperation between relevant intellectual property authorities and organizations of both countries; Enhancing the dissemination of intellectual property culture, promoting public awarenesss on intellectual property protection, jointly organizing activities to promote better understanding and utilization on intellectual property systems of the two countries; Strengthening cooperation in the field of intellectual property in respect of training of professionals; Strengthening cooperation in the development of patent automation systems and exchange of patent documentation and data; Strengthening cooperation in the field of intellectual property within the framework of the "Belt and Road" Initiative; Exchanging views on major issues related to the international intellectual property systems deliberated in the World Intellectual Property Organization and other multilateral organizations; and other areas of cooperation agreed upon by both Parties.

