SIPO Deputy Commissioner He Zhimin Leads a Delegation to Visit Armenia and Georgia




At the invitation by the Intellectual Property Agency of Armenia and the National Intellectual Property Center of Georgia, He Zhimin, Deputy Commissioner of the State Intellectual Property Office of China led a delegation of a work visit and signed a memorandum of understanding with Armenia for the first time after discussions. During their visit to Georgia, the delegation attended an international conference with a theme of “Georgia against Counterfeiting and Piracy” and signed a 2017-2018 working plan between the two sides with the National Intellectual Property Center of Georgia after discussions.

During their visit to Armenia, He Zhimin held talks with Garegin Melkonyan, the First Deputy Minister of Economic Development and Investments. The two sides exchanged opinions on strengthening the two countries practical cooperation on intellectual property, facilitating and protecting the development of economy and trade with intellectual property rights, and the latest development of intellectual property policies. He Zhimin also held discussions with Armen Azizyan, the Head of Intellectual Property Agency of Armenia on issues including the latest development of intellectual property work, intellectual property strategies and policies, intellectual property rights protection and future cooperation. The two sides signed the first memorandum of cooperation and officially established cooperation relationship. The delegation also visited Armenian National Engineering Laboratories and had roundtable discussions with staff, students, science and technology personnel and intellectual property personnel on the issues of the creation, protection, transfer and management of intellectual property rights.

During their visit to Georgia, He Zhimin attended and addressed the conference Georgia Against Counterfeiting and Piracy. He pointed out that the Chinese government highly valued intellectual property rights protection and had carried out special campaigns to combat infringement and counterfeit products. China will join all countries' efforts to offer more effective protection for innovators and create a more favorable environment for scientific innovation and economic development. The delegation also delivered a keynote speech on China's practice and experiences of intellectual property rights protection and received intensive attention and responses. During the conference, Genadi Arveladze, Deputy Minister of Economy and Sustainable Development of Georgia met with the delegation led by He Zhimin, and the two sides exchanged views on intellectual property issues involved in the China-Georgia Free Trade Zone Agreement. He Zhimin also had discussions with Nikiloz Gogilidze, Chairman of National Intellectual Property Center of Georgia. The two sides briefed each other with the latest development of intellectual property work and exchanged profound views on the direction and content of future cooperation. The 2017-2018 working plan betweent the State Intellectual Property Office of China and the National Intellectual Property Center of Georgia was signed.  (Translated from SIPO Website Chinese Version) 




