SIPO Commissioner Shen Changyu Attends and Addresses China-Visegrad Group Joint Seminar on Intellectual Property


On May 18th, the China-Visegrad Group Joint Seminar on Intellectual Property was held in Chengdu, Sichuan Province. SIPO Commissioner Shen Changyu attended the meeting and delivered a speech. He said that China wishes to deepen exchanges and cooperation on intellectual property (IP) with nations of the Visegrad Group and to set an example for the IP cooperation along the Belt and Road (B&R). Executive Vice Governor of Sichuan Provincial People's Government Wang Ning and President of Patent Office of the Republic of Poland Dr. Alicja Adamczak attended the opening ceremony and delivered speeches.

Shen Changyu said in his speech that the friendly exchanges between China and nations of the Visegrad Group are longstanding. In recent years as the "Belt and Road" initiative and the "16+1" mechanism between China and Central and Eastern European (CEE) countries deepen, cooperation and exchange are becoming closer and closer between China and the Visegrad Group, and their cooperation field is constantly expanding, including the IP cooperation. Lately the Belt and Road Forum for International Cooperation was successfully held in Beijing and many far-reaching and major consensuses were reached, which brought new opportunities as well as the direction for IP cooperation along the "Belt and Road".

Shen Changyu noted that last July SIPO and the parties concerned held the High-level Conference on Intellectual Property for Countries along the "Belt and Road" jointly with the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) in Beijing, and released common initiatives for strengthening cooperation between countries along the "Belt and Road" in the field of intellectual property. A normalized mechanism for IP cooperation along the "Belt and Road" was constructed. All these efforts have opened a new chapter for IP cooperation among countries and regions along the B&R. China is willing to deepen the IP exchange and cooperation with nations of the Visegrad Group for the purposes of setting an example for IP cooperation along the B&R, playing its leading role and deepening the IP cooperation along the B&R.

Shen Changyu pointed out that at present China is pushing forward the building of a strong IPR nation. A series of new ideas are put forward and reform and innovation practices are carried out in terms of IP creation, utilization, protection, management, service and other key links. He also expressed his wish that all guests can take this seminar to introduce the IP development of their countries, discuss and share beneficial experience in promoting entrepreneurship and innovation in IP in order to provide strong support for scientific innovation and economic prosperity in their own countries.

During the keynote speech, Shen Changyu introduced in seven respects major IP policies and measures newly released by the Chinese government, the latest developments in IP creation, utilization, protection and international cooperation, main functions of SIPO, among others. Exchanges and discussions were made with representatives present at the seminar in topics of common concern such as reform of IP general management, patent quality improvement project, and the building of a powerful IP country.

At the seminar, leaders from the SIPO, the Patent Office of the Republic of Poland, the Hungarian Intellectual Property Office (HIPO), the Industrial Property Office of Czech Republic (IPO CZ), the Sichuan Intellectual Property Office and related enterprises in Sichuan exchanged their views on the two themes including Strengthen the IP Cooperation between China and the Visegrad Group, Boost Joint Development and IP Protection and Utilization and Innovation-Driven Development .

The Visegrad Group is a regional cooperation organization of four states ? Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland and Slovakia for the purpose of intensifying cooperation among them. It aims to carry out negotiations, concert actions and enhance their voice in relevant issues through this mechanism. Since 2012, the China-Visegrad Group Joint Seminar on Intellectual Property has been successfully held for four years and caused general concern of all parties.  (Translated from SIPO Website Chinese Version) 

