Shen Changyu Meets with WIPO Director General Francis Gurry and His Delegation


On May 15th, SIPO Commissioner Shen Changyu met with WIPO Director General Francis Gurry and his delegation on the occasion of their attendance at the Belt and Road Forum for International Cooperation in Beijing, China. Both parties engaged in in-depth exchanges on the further deepening of their cooperation relationship and other issues of mutual concern.

Before the meeting, both parties signed the Information Data Exchange Protocol between SIPO and WIPO and MOU on Staff Recruitment via Trust Fund Establishment between SIPO and WIPO.

The Belt and Road, Shen Changyu remarked, being the strategic vision of Chairman Xi Jinping aimed at creating mutually beneficial "communities of common interests and common destiny", plays a crucial role in facing changes in the global situation and promoting global integration. As a wholly new model for cooperation, the Belt and Road inaugurates new international relation patterns based on win-win cooperation. Last year, with the strong support of WIPO, China's concerned parties successfully held the Belt and Road High-level Meeting on IPR and structured a normalized mechanism for Belt and Road IPR cooperation. In the midst of innovative cooperation with countries along the Belt and Road, China is willing to continue strengthening its collaboration with WIPO and launch more practical cooperation projects, so as to promote the innovative development of all countries along the Belt and Road.

As they briefly reviewed the friendly relations and cooperation between SIPO and the WIPO over the last year, Shen Changyu introduced Francis Gurry to China's latest IPR developments as well as to its new progresses in terms of legislation and policy, notifying him of new measures related to China's hastening of the construction of a strong IPR nation and its strengthening of IPR protection and utilization. Shen Changyu expressed that China has always and will continue supporting WIPO's leading role in IPR international rulemaking. China looks forward to maintaining close cooperation with WIPO in the future, and hopes that WIPO will continue to support China on major cooperation matters.

Francis Gurry thanked SIPO's continuous support of WIPO as well as its China Office, and expressed his appreciation of China's achievements in terms of IPR lawmaking and patent quality improvement. He remarked that international patent applications submitted by Chinese applicants through the Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT) are now at an all-time high, showing that the quality of Chinese patent applications is continuously improving and its innovation milieu gradually strengthening. He hopes for both parties to further deepen and enlarge cooperation so that it may develop in a more practical direction. Francis Gurry said that the signing of the present cooperation document signifies that cooperation between both parties has entered a new phase, and that the foundation of this cooperation will soon become even more solid.

At the meeting, both parties exchanged opinions on IT, arbitration and mediation, and technology & innovation support centers, among other fields.

SIPO Deputy Commissioner He Zhimin and WIPO Deputy Director General Wang Binying also attended the aforementioned event.  (Translated from SIPO Website Chinese Version) 

