SIPO Deputy Commissioner He Zhimin Meets with AIPPI Delegates


On May 8th, SIPO Deputy Commissioner He Zhimin held a meeting with a delegation led by Ma Hao and Laurent Thibon, the respective President and Secretary General of the International Association for the Protection of Intellectual Property (AIPPI).

He Zhimin highlighted that AIPPI, being one of the most important non-governmental organizations in the world, plays a fundamental role improving intellectual property (IP) institutions and strengthening the protection of intellectual property rights. He also welcomed AIPPI to make suggestions regarding IP development in China, as he hoped the meeting would be another step in the strengthening of friendship and cooperation between both parties.

Ma Hao congratulated SIPO for the continuous development of IP institutions as well as for its enormous efforts raising public awareness on the importance of IP. He also acknowledged the continuous cooperation agreements put forward by SIPO with international institutions and expressed his wish for AIPPI and SIPO to remain close friends as well as share experiences and suggestions to deepen their mutual fellowship.

Both sides also exchanged their respective points of views on subjects such as the IP5 cooperation, the AIPPI Standing Committee and the AIPPI World Congress. (Translated from SIPO Website Chinese Version) 

