SIPO Deputy Commissioner Gan Shaoning Attended the Opening Ceremony of the 11th China Inventors Forum in Beijing


On April 25th, the 11th China Inventors Forum was held in Beijing, themed "Military and Civilian Integration, Innovation and Entrepreneurship, and Coordinated Development". Wan Gang, Vice Chairman of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC), President of the China Association for Science and Technology (CAST) and Minister of Science and Technology, Pan Yunhe, member of the Standing Committee of the CPPCC National Committee and President of the China Association of Inventions (CAI), and Gan Shaoning, Deputy Commissioner of the State Intellectual Property Office (SIPO) attended the opening ceremony.

Wan Gang said that it is imperative and well worth doing to intensify the military and civilian integration in scientific achievements. This integration can exert great impact on complementing each other's advantages, promoting closer integration and raising the level of integration. He emphasized that high-end think tank for science and technological innovation through civil-military integration should be constructed to provide sci-tech intelligence support for China to implement its strategy of civil-military integration development; a large platform for collaborative innovation through civil-military integration should be placed to promote highly integrated development of civil-military scientific research and production system; and a mechanism for long-term cooperation in transfer and transformation of civil-military sci-tech achievements should be built to boost wide integration between the military and the people in the whole society.

This forum is hosted by the China Association of Inventions, the Science and Technology Daily, the National Office for Science & Technology Awards, and the China Intellectual Property News (CIPN). More than 200 people joined the forum including heads from the Ministry of Science and Technology of China, CAST and SIPO as well as inventors from all over the country. (Translated from SIPO Website Chinese Version) 

