2017 High-Level Forum on China IP Protection Held in Beijing


Source: China IP News


On April 20, the 2017 High-Level Forum on China IP Protection with the theme of Era of Innovation: IP Protection was held in Beijing. SIPO Commissioner Shen Changyu, World Intellectual Property Organization Deputy Director General Wang Binying, Deputy Minister of Justice of the Republic of Kazakhstan Elvira Azimova attended the inauguration ceremony and delivered speeches respectively.

Shen said in his speech that in recent years, the CPC Central Committee and the State Council had attached great importance to IP protection and took IP as a tool to inspire innovation. According to the arrangement, the relevant authorities and local governments had facilitated social and economic development by stepping up IP protection and improving IP environment.

"Although China has made outstanding achievements in IP protection, there is a significant gap between social expectation and such achievements. We need to further beef up IP protection and create sound innovation environment based on national economic and social development and social expectation," said Shen. He proposed four opinions on how to step up IP protection. First, Shen said, we should unswervingly promote IP protection. Second, we should promote the layout of grand cooperation. Third, we should take a multi-pronged approach to improve IP protection efficiency. Fourth, we should adhere to IP cultural construction.

Wang Binying expressed warm congratulations on the opening of this important event. "As new driving force for the world economy, and that roles of IP are now widely recognized by the international community as key to stimulating and incentivizing innovation and creativity. WIPO appreciates highly the remarkable progress China has made in developing its IP undertakings and building its innovation eco-system. WIPO also eulogized China's efforts in establishing global IP legal framework and making useful contributions to global norm-setting work," said Wang.

Besides the high-level forum, there are six sub-forums waiting for guests to exchange their views and ideas. The event will last for two days. More than 70 guests from home and aboard will share their views on IP protection on Internet, regional economic development through IP protection, IP protection for mobile terminal industries, latest development of WIPO’s global IP service system, IP protection and institutional innovation and protection of trade secrets.

