2016 ID5 Joint Statement


The European Union Intellectual Property Office (EUIPO), the Japan Patent Office (JPO), the Korean Intellectual Property Office (KIPO), the State Intellectual Property Office of the People's Republic of China (SIPO), and the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) (hereinafter referred to collectively as the "Partner Offices") met in Beijing, China, on Nov 1-2, 2016 at the 2016 ID5 annual meeting. The World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO), invited as observer, participated during the meeting.

The Partner Offices reiterated the ID5 objectives adopted at the inaugural ID5 annual meeting in 2015 including promotion and furtherance of the development of highly-efficient and interoperable industrial design protection systems.

Recognizing the importance of providing better services to users and the public and of further promoting innovation in the industrial design sector, the significance of in-depth cooperation among the Partner Offices for ensuring concrete and tangible ID5 deliverables, and the necessity of promoting transparency of ID5 cooperation, the Partner Offices further reached consensus on aspects of general principles and cooperation areas as follows to fulfill ID5 objectives.

The Partner Offices decided to continue cooperation through collaboratively developed project-focused methodology under the principle of consensus through consultation, ensuring deliverables benefiting stakeholders, Partner Offices and ID5 design systems.

The Partner Offices decided to cooperate on industrial design topics including examination practice studies, IT support systems, industrial design classification, quality, statistics, etc., and to work together to explore possible solutions to emerging technologies and related new industrial design issues.

The Partner Offices decided to launch 12 projects at the current stage, namely:

■Development and Maintenance of an ID5 Website
■Compilation of Industrial Design Statistics
■ Catalogue of Eligibility for Industrial Design Protection
■ Catalogue of the View and Drawing Requirements for Designs
■Study of Priority Document Exchange by ID5 Offices
■Study of Practices of Priority Rights for Industrial Designs by ID5 Offices
■ Study of Design Classification Conventions & Practices
■Comparative Study of Practices Concerning Product Indications
■ Analysis of Underlying Economic Factors and IP Office Actions on How They Impact Global Design Filings
■ Comparative Study of the Application of a Grace Period for Industrial Design Applications
■ Comparative Study of Partial Designs as an Effective Means of Protection for Industrial Design Innovation
■Study of Practices on Protection of New Technological designs

Deliverables of the above projects are expected to benefit users and the public not only by enhancing efficiency and quality of Office's work but also by facilitating users' understanding on existing systems and reducing their burden.

The Partner Offices decided to make a set of rules of functioning of ID5 ensuring that ID5 is conducted in an efficient and effective manner.

The Partner Offices endeavor to ensure that inputs of ID5 stakeholders (e.g. users, the public, examiners from ID5 countries/region) will be collected and taken into account during the advancement of cooperation, and project progress will be reported. To enhance openness and transparency, the Partner Offices decided to establish an ID5 cooperation website (www.id-five.org) as an effective platform for sharing ID5 information and its progress with the public.

European Union Intellectual Property Office

Japan Patent Office

Korean Intellectual Property Office

State Intellectual Property Office of the People's Republic of China

United States Patent and Trademark Office

 Signed in Beijing, China
  1 November 2016

