Commissioner Shen Changyu Visits the WIPO Office in China


Oct.1 -- On September 26, Commissioner of the State Intellectual Property Office of the P.R.C (SIPO) Shen Changyu visited the China office of the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO). The two sides exchanged their work progress in the past year and held discussion on future cooperation. Shen expressed his gratitude to the WIPO Office in China (WOC) for their support in holding the High-level Conference on Intellectual Property for Countries along the "Belt and Road". He said that, in the past year, the WOC had conducted many excellent works, and that it played an important role in connecting China and the WIPO to collaborate. It also sent a good message to the world in regard to China's intellectual property (IP) work. In the future, the SIPO will continue to support the WOC. Director of the WOC Chen Hongbing also thanked the SIPO for its support in the past year, and hoped that the two sides will collaborate further in the future and promote the development of the IP work in China and in the world. (Translated from China IP News)

