The 4th China-Mongolia-Russia IP Seminar Held in Ulan Bator


Sep.13 -- On September 6, the 4th China-Mongolia-Russia IP Seminar was held in Ulan Bator, Mongolia. Minister of Justice and Internal Affairs of Mongolia S.Byambatsogt, Acting Director General of the Intellectual Property Office of Mongolia, Commissioner of the State Intellectual Property Office of the P.R.C (SIPO) Shen Changyu and Director General of the Federal Service for Intellectual Property (Rospatent) Gregory Ivliev attended the seminar and delivered speeches.

At the seminar, heads of the three intellectual offices agreed that, while relying on the intellectual property (IP) cooperation mechanisms along "the Belt and Road" route and the China-Mongolia-Russia trilateral IP cooperation mechanism, the three sides should deepen their pragmatic cooperation to realize mutual benefits and win-win results, continuously inject new vitality to the relationship development among the three countries and provide powerful support for the building of China-Mongolia-Russia Economic Corridor. 

The three sides also conducted discussion and communication on topics such as innovation-driven national IP policy and IP commercialization. Representatives from the Russian and Mongolian offices introduced the operational situation of the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) and the Technology and Innovation Support Centers (TISCs) in the two countries.
The trilateral IP cooperation between China, Mongolia and Russia first started in May 2013, when the first China-Mongolia-Russia IP Seminar was held in Ulan Bator, Mongolia. With the efforts of the three sides, the seminar has been held successfully for four years, covering aspects such as administrative protection of IPR, IP legal system, IP operation and IP policies.

During the seminar, heads of the three offices held a trilateral meeting of heads of the offices, which summarized and concluded the existing cooperation and their achievement and discussed and looked forward to future cooperation. Heads of the three offices cosigned the 2016-2017 Cooperative Action Plan for Intellectual Property Offices in China, Mongolia and Russia, which was based on the Memorandum of Understanding among Intellectual Property Offices in China, Mongolia and Russia signed by the three offices in 2015. The Cooperative Action Plan clearly specified the arrangements of the trilateral seminars, meeting of heads of the offices, trainings of personnel, information process and exchanges of experience of the three offices in 2016-2017. (Translated from China IP News)

