SIPO Holds Bilateral Meetings with Intellectual Property Pffices of Pakistan,Moldova, Latvia and Lithuania


Jul.27 (China IP News) -- During the High-Level Conference on Intellectual Property for Countries along the "Belt and Road" on July 21st, Shen Changyu, Commissioner of SIPO, had bilateral meetings with heads of intellectual property offices of Pakistan, Moldova, Latvia and Lithuania respectively. Shen briefed them about the latest developments on intellectual property in China, and expressed China's willingness to deepen cooperation and exchanges with countries along the Belt and Road on intellectual property.

On the meeting with Shahid Rashid, Chairman of IPO-Pakistan, Shen said that, China and Pakistan have forged an all-weather friendship and a strategic partnership in the 65 years since the two countries established diplomatic relations. The two IP offices set up their bilateral cooperation in 2009, and cooperated much in document exchanges and training in recent years. Meeting the new opportunities brought by the "Belt and Road" initiative, the two offices should work together to deepen high-level exchanges and enhance cooperation efforts, making more contributions to the two countries' economic and trade development and scientific and technological progress by closer IP cooperation.

Shahid Rashid regarded China as the best friend and the strongest supporter of Pakistan. He was glad to see China's great achievements in the IP field in recent years and to learn valuable experience from China. He hopes to improve the bilateral cooperation between the two offices.

In the meeting with Octavian Apostol, Director General of the State Agency on Intellectual Property of Moldova, Shen said that, the "Belt and Road" initiative met the common demands of countries along its path. The initiative has unlocked new thoughts and new opportunities for complementing each other's advantages and for mutual benefits. The two countries have had a long-lasting friendship and a solid foundation of intellectual property cooperation. In 2012, SIPO and State Agency on Intellectual Property of Moldova signed an intellectual property cooperation agreement and a bilateral cooperation work plan, and started closer cooperation and communication by various means under multilateral and bilateral cooperation frameworks. Shen expressed his hope to strengthen cooperation between the two offices on intellectual property, and the commitment that more professional, efficient and accessible services should be provided to users in both countries.

Octavian Apostol spoke highly of China's achievements in using IP to support economic and social development. He hoped to strengthen cooperation with China in intellectual property, improve the development in S&T innovation and economic and social development of the two countries.

In the meeting with Sandris Laganovskis, Director of Patent Offices of Latvia, Shen expressed that, with the deep-going of Innovation Driven Development Strategy, the importance of intellectual property system in protecting innovative development of China is enhancing. To strengthen IP protection and utilization and accelerate the development of a country with strong IP capabilities, China should cooperate with BRI countries including Latvia and communicate with each other, and enhance bilateral cooperation to improve economic and social development of the two countries through a closer IP protection environment.

Sandris Laganovskis emphasized the importance Latvia attached to IP protection. In 2015, the Government of Latvia released the Outline of IP Protection and Utilization (2015-2020). Latvia would like to refer to China's experience on bilateral cooperation.

In the meeting with Zilvinas Danys, Deputy Director of the State Patent Bureau of Lithuania, Shen expressed that Lithuania is a member of the EU and an important country in the Baltic Sea region. SIPO is willing to establish and develop friendly relationship with the State Patent Bureau of Lithuania. He hopes the current meeting will be an opportunity for the two offices to start an official cooperation and built a communication system, work hard together to support the two countries' economic and social development by IP cooperation.

Zilvinas Danys said that, the governments of the two countries have had sound high-level relationship. Lithuania is interested in the "Belt and Road" initiative and IP cooperation along the "Belt and Road". The State Patent Bureau of Lithuania is willing to officially establish cooperation with SIPO, and to promote the economic development of the two countries by incentivizing innovation. (by Zhao Jianguo)

