He Zhimin Attends 6th BRICS IP Offices Conference


Jul.8 -- Recently, the 6th BRICS IP Offices Conference was held in Moscow, Russia. He Zhimin, Deputy Commissioner of the State Intellectual Property Office of the P.R.C. (SIPO) attended the conference on behalf of SIPO Commissioner Shen Changyu. The conference was chaired by Gregory Ivliev, Head of the Federal Service for Intellectual Property (Rospatent). Ilyas Umakhanov, Deputy Chairman of the Federation Council of Russia (Upper House of the Federal Assembly of Russia) attended the conference and addressed the opening ceremony. Vice President of the Brazilian National Institute of Industrial Property (INPI-BR) Mauro Maia, Controller General of the Office of the Controller General of Patents, Designs and Trademarks (CGPDTM) Om Prakash Gupta and Acting Commissioner of the Companies and Intellectual Property Registration Office (Cipro) Rory Voller also attended the conference.

The conference recalled the progress of intellectual property (IP) cooperation between the BRICS in the past year and deliberated and adopted documents within the six cooperation areas based on the BRICS Intellectual Property Offices Cooperation Roadmap. They are: training of intellectual property office staff; national IP strategy and promotion of public awareness on IP; information services on IP; IP/patent processes and procedures; IP strategy for enterprises, and collaboration in international forums. The conference also passed the suggestions proposed by the SIPO concerning the further promotion of IP collaborations between the BRICS, and decided to strengthen the work of the BRICS IP Coordinating Team and establish a cooperative network between the five IP offices. After the conference, the BRICS IP offices passed and signed the meeting minutes.

During the conference, the BRICS IP offices held talks on heated topics such as WIPO industrial design-related treaties and patent and health, and exchanged views on subjects such as joint comparative studies on IP laws and IP distance education. The participants involved held in-depth discussions on domestic encourage policy for innovation, measures encouraging applications for a patent abroad, patent license management, intellectual property rights (IPR) protection and disclosed genetic resources. The delegations also visited the Skolkovo Innovation Center in Russia and attended the round-table conference held be the Eurasian Patent Organization concerning the experience and best practices in applying for a patent abroad.

During the visit, Deputy Commissioner He Zhimin held bilateral talks with Liubov Kiriy, Deputy Director General of Rospatent. The two sides exchanged views on areas such as automation, patent search and examination and IP training, and agreed to conduct expert exchanges in automation, edit data exchange protocols and further enrich the databases. (Translated from SIPO Website)

