A New Promotion Plan Issued to Speed up Building an IP Powerhouse


July 6 (China IP News)--Recently, the Promotion Plan for the Implementation of the National Intellectual Property Strategy and acceleration of building an IP powerhouse in 2016 was issued. The promotion plan was reviewed by the first plenary session of the Inter-Ministerial Joint Meeting for implementation of National IP strategy and approved by the State Council. According to an official with the Office of the Inter-Ministerial Joint Meeting, the promotion plan identified 6 major tasks and 99 work measures with clear responsibilities in a bid to promote the implementation of national IP strategy and speed up building an IP powerhouse.

According to the Several Opinions on Accelerating the Building of IP Powerhouse under New Conditions promulgated by the State Council, the promotion plan of this year identified 6 major tasks, namely carrying out rigid IP protection, enhancing IP creation and utilization, deepening reform in IP field, enhancing international IP exchange and cooperation, consolidating the basis of IP development and strengthening organization and implementation. 

With respect to rigid IP protection which attracted extensive attention from all walks of life, the promotion plan listed perfect IP laws and regulations in its key tasks, focused on promoting legislations in patent law, copyright law, anti-fair competition law and Regulations on Patent Commissioning. The tasks also include establishment of IP protection mechanism concerning imports, formulation of guidance of strengthening patent enforcement, perfection of patent enforcement in the field of E-commerce and exhibition, research in IP protection of business model, software legalization and more special action on IP infringement such as "Sword Action", "Red Shield", "Lightening".

IP creation and utilization are vital to industry transformation and upgrading. The promotion plan placed emphasis on fostering IP-intensive enterprises, invigorating IP operation market and developing IP service apart from improving the quality of IP creation.

Deepening reform in the field of IP is a necessary requirement of the development of IP undertaking. Under the promotion plan, integrated reform pilot will be carried out in eligible places, the general program of reform will be formulated, products related to IP will be incorporated into the system of national economic accounting and index of IP will be included into national economic and social in development program. It also requires formulating policies on IP assessment, establishing an IP reviewing mechanism of key economic activities, studying IP management of national science and technology program, setting out policies of patent commissioning, strengthening supervision and management of copyright collective management organization and trademark agency.

Moreover, the promotion plan covered key contents such as formulating the 13th Five-Year special plan on IP protection and utilization, setting up an information sharing platform featuring  IP for "belt and road" initiative, accelerating building an IP enforcement mechanism, promoting basic patent information resources to be further opened , speeding up fostering IP professionals and carrying out IP education pilot programs among middle and primary schools across the nation. (by Wang Yu)

