Zhang Maoyu Leads Delegation to Visit the Branch of the EPO at The Hague and EPO's Vienna Sub-office


June 30--Recently, Deputy Commissioner of the State Intellectual Property Office of the People's Republic of China (SIPO) Zhang Maoyu led a delegation to visit the branch of the EPO at The Hague and EPO’s Vienna sub-office respectively, and held bilateral talks with counterparts at the European Patent Office (EPO). After discussing on topics such as business process, quality management on patent examination, information construction plan, global dossier, processing and exchange of patent data, ways to accelerate patent examination, patent prosecution highway (PPH), patent information services and training on intellectual property, SIPO and EPO signed the meeting minutes.

During the talks, Zhang Maoyu pointed out that, in the following years, the SIPO is be willing to strengthen its strategic cooperation with the two offices and deepen their cooperation in examination business and information construction for the purpose of providing better and more efficient services to the public and innovative subjects. Representatives of the EPO also pointed out that, through such in-depth talks, the EPO and the SIPO had deepened their mutual understanding and reinforced trust, therefore laying a solid foundation for further cooperation.

During the visit, Zhang Maoyu and the delegation also visited Royal Dutch Shell in Netherland, and communicated with the staffs there on topics of mutual concern such as the research, development and innovation of an enterprise, intellectual property management, patent examination and utilization of patent information. (Translated from SIPO Website)

