China has Identified 131 National IP Protection Standardization Cultivating Markets


June 29(China IP News)--Recently, SIPO issued “The Notice on Indentifying the Third Group of  National Intellectual Property Protection Standardization Cultivating Market and the Start-up Work of Cultivating Market”. The notice identified 28 markets as cultivating market including Redstar Macalline Expo (Tianjin) Household Square Limited Company. So far, China has identified 131 national intellectual property protection standardization cultivating markets during more than two years, and intellectual property protection of the professional market saw initial success.

It is reported that cultivating period of the identified 28 cultivating markets, is from June 2016 to June 2018. SIPO will focus on the guidance of rules and regulations establishment on intellectual property protection in the relevant markets, to enhance intellectual property protection awareness and ability of the market.

According to reports, in 2013, “SIPO’s notice on carry out the IP protection in professioned markets” was issued to launch a nationwide IP protection in professional market. In March 2014, based on the conclusion of the pre-pilot experience, SIPO launched  the nationwide standardization of intellectual property protection in market.

Some officials from Protection and Coordination Division under SIPO said, a good intellectual property protection of the professional market could cut off the centralized distribution channels of counterfeit goods. This would be an important influence on guiding independent innovation of SMEs and promoting industrial upgrading and development.

