Gan Shaoning Meets with Delegation of American Intellectual Property Law Association


Recently, Gan Shaoning, Deputy Commissioner of the State Intellectual Property Office (SIPO) and Executive Vice President of China Intellectual Property Society (CIPS), met with the delegation of American Intellectual Property Law Association (AIPLA) in Beijing. They exchanged views on intellectual property issues of common concern. Gan Shaoning hoped that the visit by AIPLA delegation this time could further enhance interactions on intellectual property between China and the United States as well as cooperations between the intellectual property NGOs of the two countries.
Gan Shaoning says China and the U.S. continue deepening their intellectual property cooperation in recent years. Since the establishment of the annual mutual visits mechanism in 2005, CIPS and AIPLA have conducted effective cooperation in co-organizing international intellectual property seminars and exchange activities such as mutual visits.
AIPLA President Wayne Sobon expressed thanks to the support of SIPO. He says China and the U.S. have been keeping active exchanges in intellectual property, which increases mutual understanding between the intellectual property circles of the two countries. He hopes the cooperation between the two sides could further deepen.
The visiting delegation has 17 members. They will pay a five-day-long visit to Beijing, Tianjin and Xi'an.

