Shen Changyu Met EUCCC President Davide Cucino in Beijing


On January 16, SIPO Commissioner Shen Changyu met Davide Cucino, President of the European Union Chamber of Commerce in China (EUCCC), and accepted the European Business in China Position Paper 2013/2014 presented by EUCCC. SIPO Deputy Commissioner Li Yuguang also attended the meeting.

Shen Changyu said that, currently, EU and China are mutually important trade partners. Meanwhile, the two sides keep a good cooperative relationship in the IPR field. For Chinese and European enterprises, the EUCCC plays a key role, who offers not only a platform for EU enterprises to know about relative policies in China, but also an important channel for China to understand the needs of EU enterprises. He pointed out that with the proposal of the utilization and protection of IPR at the 3rd Plenary Session of the 11th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, SIPO is working on the implementation of the spirit of the Plenary Session, and will keep strengthening relevant works on IPR in 2014. He stressed that SIPO is ready to enhance communication and relations with EU enterprises, which not only helps to improve the services, but also benefits the improvement of innovation environment in China, and thus generates win-win results. He hoped that the EUCCC will continue to provide helpful suggestions to the work of SIPO in future.

Mr. Davide Cucino said that since the establishment of EUCCC, it has been keeping a good cooperative relationship with SIPO. Many EU enterprises in China also attach great importance to the Chinese market all the time, and will expand their investment in China in future. He hoped that the two sides continue to strengthen communication and dialogues, and build a bridge between the two to share innovation experiences with each other.

It is known that the EUCCC was established under the support of the EU delegation to China on October 19, 2000. Its founding members include 51 EU companies of different industries in China. Since its establishment, the EUCCC has got a membership of more than 1600, including the European transnational enterprises and SMEs (Small and Medium Enterprises).

