China Further Reinforce Patent Application Quality


SIPO recently issued the further improvement of quality of patent application opinions, putting forward that concert efforts would be made to improve the quality of patent application and exert full role of patent system in driving development with innovation.

"The further improvement of the quality of patent application will paly a vital role in protecting China's innovative achievements and providing reliable guarantee for efficient operation of patent system," said a relevant principal of SIPO. Since the implementation of China's national IPR strategy, the number of patent application has been maintaining a rapid growth, which provide a strong support for building an innovative nation. But there are still some problems exposed in patent application paper and lower technological level. "From the overall situation of building an innovative nation, we must fully recognize the importance and urgency of improving the quality of patent application." add the principal.

According to the opinion, SIPO will gradually incorporate the share of invention patent in the three kinds of patent application, the grant rate of invention patent, PCT application into the regional patent evaluation system, and further stand out the guidance of the quality of patent application. Besides, in a bid to better play inspiration role of patent rewarding policy, the opinion also requires to reward those patentees and inventors who made outstanding contribution to technological innovation and patent commercialization.

In parallel, the opinions put forward some measures in improving monitoring system, enhancing the capacity-building efforts to reinforce patent application quality, and strengthening organizational guarantee. For example, great efforts would be made to regulate patent bar, improve the utilization of patent information, enhance the interior management and strengthen the capability of patent bar. 

(China IP News)

