SIPO Commissioner Tian Lipu's Speech at the Opening Ceremony of the 7th China Patent Week


Today is the opening ceremony of the 7th China Patent Week. 7 years ago, China Patent week emerged when China is accelerating construction of innovative country and harmonious society. Over the 7 years, the annual patent week has becoming a great event for manifesting the core ideas of IP, demonstrating the development of China's IP community and supporting business needs. It also has played an active role in facilitating construction of innovative country and province. For the 7 years, with China embarked on upon a path of building a innovative country, China's IP community is flourishing, and the patent week is becoming influential, which has developed into a comprehensive platform for gathering patent resources, promoting patent utilization and fostering patent culture.

As we look to the future, we now stand at a new starting point. The goal of building a comprehensive well-off society and developed China into a prosperous, democratic, culturally advanced and harmonious modern country has raised new demand for IP work.IP system is an important way to deploy resources in market, which could guide the movement of innovation resources and optimize the allocation of those resources. Patent, as a vital link between technology and capital, is a key part to transfer innovation achievements into practical productivity. We must incorporate IP work into operating mechanism of innovation, and explore an effective path about improving industrial development via patent system. We must exert full role of IP system to satisfy the need of building an innovative country , and achieve the aim of unleash all the vitality contained in work, knowledge, technology, management and capital and give full play to all sources of social wealth for the benefit of the people.

The theme of this year's patent week is guide industrial development with patent and support business innovation. Along with its other activities, we would focus on the strategy demand for driving by innovation, meet the demand of industrial development and business innovation, use patent system to improve industrial innovative capacity, and fully mobilize IP resources to serve business innovation better. This patent week has 4 characteristics: practical, innovation, coordination and service.  Practical means that we should take measures to solve the innovation problems of company by improving working style, highlighting service opinion, understanding business requirement. Innovation means that we should make full use of online platform to interpret patent development strategy, IP service plan, patent guiding pilot project, IP advanced company development, business IP management standard, IP enforcement, patent quality improvement, and dispatch relevant policy and measure and service information the first time to company.Coordination means that we should give respective potentials of city, park and company to full play, strengthen regional cooperation, innovate new cooperation models, exchange advanced experience, meet service requirement and promote the achievement of resource complementary. Service is a core idea and outstanding feature throughout the patent week. The IP service resources will be collected by IP administration organs throughout the country. The organs will also organize team to provide service for the industrial development and business innovation, and gradually develop a professional long-term mechanism which led by government, company as the main body and participated by social power.

Today, the patent week is opening nationwide. A series of colorful activities are launched throughout the nation. The development of China's IP community demands full efforts from all sides. We must hold the great banner of reform and constantly promote the comprehensive development of IP career and achieve a innovative China dream as early as possible. I wish the event to be a great success.


(China IP News)

